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The Awakening of Nature
Το Ξύπνημα της Φύσης
Doğanın Uyanışı



“Agreement / Συμφωνία / Uzlaşma”

“Agreement / Συμφωνία / Uzlaşma”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed €900

“Reality / Πραγματικότητα / Gerçeklik”

“Reality / Πραγματικότητα / Gerçeklik”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed Sold

“Equanimity / Γαλήνη / Soğukkanlilik”

“Equanimity / Γαλήνη / Soğukkanlilik”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed €900

“Pursuit / Αναζήτηση / Arayış”

“Pursuit / Αναζήτηση / Arayış”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed Sold

“Wisdom / Σοφία / Hikmet”

“Wisdom / Σοφία / Hikmet”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed €900

“Love / Αγάπη / Sevgi”

“Love / Αγάπη / Sevgi”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed €900

“Admiration / Θαυμασμός / Hayranlık”

“Admiration / Θαυμασμός / Hayranlık”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed Sold

“Gratitude / Ευγνωμοσύνη / Şükran”

“Gratitude / Ευγνωμοσύνη / Şükran”

91x91 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed Sold

“Awakening / Αφύπνιση / Uyanış”

“Awakening / Αφύπνιση / Uyanış”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed Sold

“Freedom / Ελευθερία / Özgürlük”

“Freedom / Ελευθερία / Özgürlük”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed Sold

“Faith / Πίστη / İnanç”

“Faith / Πίστη / İnanç”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed €900

“Truth / Αλήθεια / Gerçek”

“Truth / Αλήθεια / Gerçek”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed €900



70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed €900

“Self-Realisation / Αυτοπραγμάτωση / Kendini-Gerçekleştirme”

“Self-Realisation / Αυτοπραγμάτωση / Kendini-Gerçekleştirme”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed Sold

“Harmony / Αρμονία / Uyum”

“Harmony / Αρμονία / Uyum”

70x100 cm Oil on canvas Not Framed €900

This collection was an attempt to subtly express the feeling of the word that each painting represents through landscapes inspired by my dear island, Cyprus. The goal with this was to create a therapeutic experience for myself and (hopefully) the viewer by combining word and image together. 

- What could contribute more to the awakening of our collective virtues, true beauty, and undiluted spirit, than Nature herself? 

      The Whole Truth In Light
    'Ολη η Αλήθεια στo Φως


With this series, I explored some of the more mysterious and intriguing aspects of people that I personally know in my life. Aspects, often hidden, that touched something beyond the ordinary, something not fully tangible. It was such a joy to listen to their stories and experiences and then attempt to represent the unrepresentable. Thank you for the inspiration!
This exhibition was done in collaboration with my dear friend, artist, historian, and educator Michalis Varelias, where he expressed some of the socio-political & cultural truths of our time, mostly explored through the digital medium.Visit him and his work at  
"The Secret of Enlightenment

"The Secret of Enlightenment

24x35 inches oil on canvas; Not Available



100x65 cm Oil on canvas Sold

"Contemplation in the Shadow"

"Contemplation in the Shadow"

76x100 cm Oil on canvas Sold



121 x 91 cm Oil on canvas €1300



100 x 100 cm Oil on canvas €1200



90 x 70 cm Oil on canvas Sold



100 x 80 cm Oil on canvas €1100

"Bestowed Perception"

"Bestowed Perception"

120 x 80 cm Oil on canvas Sold

"Dawn of Knowledge"

"Dawn of Knowledge"

100 x 80 cm Oil on canvas €1000

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